Testimonials and reviews for the membership and my containers of change. Read what clients are saying about their experience with me. 

Working with Lindsay has felt like I have a caring friend always looking out for my best interests. The healing energy has been a welcome addition in my life and helped me to let go of blocks and release what no longer serves me. Also, the personal readings are spot on: they resonate so much and are so insightful. I always look forward to them. I purchased the Harmony Elixir and love the beautiful bottle. I keep it on my nightstand to use when I am meditating or when I need extra balance in my energy. Thank you so much for all you have done for me Lindsay! I am so grateful I found you!

Anne. Kansas
Return Client

Somehow it is hard to put into this, where I am now, into words. There is a lot more silence in my head, a lot more acceptance, and also more vulnerability in how I operate. 
There is no panic, no feelings of ill winds, it is what it is, and it feels very welcome. Thank you once more for your lovely container of counseling and channeling to elevate my vibrations. I think it brought me peace and quiet in a what I never would have expected.  

Door. Denmark
Elevate Client

I've had the opportunity to work with Linds several times in the past. Her “Letter from the Universe” always gave me the guidance and direction I was seeking at the time. I have to say her Elevate Package container has been truly life-changing. In the past 3 weeks, Linds has helped me work through my shadows, and flow through all the emotions. She blows me away with the signs and messages she receives. Everything resonates. If you’re ready to do the work and would like some angelic assistance I highly recommend Linds. She is truly powerful.

Eva. Florida
Return Client

Every week, I tune into a reading on Instagram where the magnificent Lindsay of Radiant Revolution pulls cards to tell viewers what to look for in the coming days. I can’t tell you how addictive this is for me. I feel like she’s speaking directly to me. It’s therapy. I feel so healed by these readings. Read the rest of her article here.

Emily. Florida
Cosmic Hearts Club Member

You are so amazing! Thank you for this container. I have felt such a huge shift. Coming across your containers has been truly life changing. I just watched my Level 2 Reading and it was exactly what I need to hear right now. 

Elevate Client  + Cosmic Hearts Club Member

Thank you Lindsay. Your words really hit home for me. I also wanted you to know that I appreciate you helping me to grow into my full Self as a woman, mom, and wife. Thank you!! 

Cosmic Hearts Club Member

Linds, you have opened me up to the goodness in my soul and you did it with love which is why it worked. You were patient and gentle. Your gifts are divinely guided. I love you and I thank you! I have tried to work with others in the past and it didn't work. I feel my path and I know my soul now. Now I can let the rest unfold. You taught me that. 

Elevate Client 

Love you!!! Honestly is just so cool. It still completely blows my mind while at the same time comforting me that the world FINALLY makes sense to me now. You helped me do that. Thank you forever.

Annie. California
Elevate Client + Rebel Hearts Graduate

Working with Linds has allowed me to free myself of fear (especially fear around connecting with myself, my soul, and the Divine). I realize sharing that might sound strange, but that is how it felt before I met Linds. I knew there was a lot to be learned from my soul, but I never found a safe place to explore it; nor was there another human that was actually able to see it, feel it, channel for it or teach me the key codes to unlock it. This experience has been all about moving with love and confidence, not fear. Linds is a healer that teaches you to heal yourself; she is a bridge to the internal and ethereal you. I am eternally grateful.

VIP Client

You have gifts and talents to offer this world that have never been seen before in the level of generations that have passed. You have the ability to open human souls up. Your gifts and talents are simply so much bigger.

VIP Monthly Client

Your gifts are LEGIT AND VALUABLE. You tell it like it is; how each human can take tangible steps daily to create their own existence.

VIP Client

Amazing, yet again! The money thing is spot on.

Personal Reading Client

I listened to your 6-month reading again and I got chills.... everything significant that you were saying... happened. It gave me a lot of comfort listening to it over again and a lot more appreciation for your gifts. Very grateful for you! 

Personal Reading Client 

Your readings always hit home, Linds! Thank you for doing what you do and doing it so insightfully. There often seems to be a larger lesson in your readings that goes beyond the normal predictions and I truly appreciate your ability to weave your intuition in with greater perspective and wisdom. 


I literally don't have words for what my 5-week container with Linds did for me and my life. I have 3D gains - a growing bank account, a new car, healed friendships - but I also have this overwhelming sense that everything is going to keep getting better. I am still amazed at who I was when I met Linds - depressed, lost, burnt out, out-of-touch, imbalanced. Now, I don't question my decisions. I follow my heart. I lead with kindness. I was enmeshed in life in all the wrong ways and now I'm embodied in my experience and so proud of how far I've come.  

Krista / Michigan

Being in CHC makes the days and weeks more fun and more connected. It’s nice to know energy is felt collectively and that we can truly impact our own and each other’s timelines. Annie | California Member

Annie / Member

Cosmic Hearts feels like home. It’s our safe space to explore everything spiritual. I love our Week-Ahead Readings— it’s something I look forward to every Sunday and refer back to throughout the week. Same with my personal monthly reading! Lindsay's guidance is consistently on-point. She also gives wonderful healing tools like the Visualizers. I can’t say enough how much I love being part of this group!

Lynette / Member

Linds has taught me so much about empowerment and how to navigate my own “multifacetedness”. She lights the way for my recovery from addiction, reactive personality traits, and past trauma. Since following Linds, I've leveled-up my career path, and feel more sure of my own magic. I’ve gained confidence in transmuting my own pain. I participate in all the Cosmic Hearts Club goodies. It’s truly overwhelming the amount that has changed within me. Linds is gifted to say the least and she’s also so fun to connect with.

Elevate  Client

You are amazing! Thank you so much for this container, I have felt such a shift. If you have the time, space, and  energy can we extend this another 3 weeks specifically for my heart chakra?

Eva / Florida

Being in Cosmic Hearts Club gives me a sense of community, as well as love, support, positivity, and radiance. Lindsay has a true gift. I look forward to the moon events and readings to help channel my energy and manifest clarity and peace.

Morgan / Maine

Make your inbox intuitive.

You're in the circle of trust!

Thank you for being here... and being you. I appreciate who you are. Xo, Linds